Supplier quality in the automotive industry for OEM and suppliers

Since 2005, our company 4proma is highly specialised in consulting and training of quality methods and processes between OEM and suppliers in automotive branch.

We enjoy to support you in implementing these methods or in optimizing your Product Creation Process (PEP) with the target to align it with your customer‘s requirements.


Consulting at 4proma

In cooperation, we assist you to implement the customer’s requirements in your organisation.

We like consulting you in the topics:

  • Supplier Assessment and Contracting
  • Mangement of Customer‘s Requirements, Standards and Demands
  • Maturity Level Assurance
  • Risk Manament in the Supply Chain
  • PPA-Process and Sampling
  • Change Management

Please feel free to contact us.

Qualification and Training

Qualification and Training with 4proma

Our experienced trainers communicate their knowledge worldwide to OEM employees and suppliers.


Support by 4proma

A shortage of human resources and manpower could come up in all phases of the product life cycle, e.g. during the handshake between development and series production or in case of a scheduled production relocation.

A deep knowledge transfer into the supply chain, a PPA-Process including a sampling coordination discussion or dealing in complaints – no matter what: we assist your team in time-critical project phases with our temporary on-site support.

It is a pleasure for us to support your actively!

Our Competences

In cooperation with the Mercedes-Benz Supplier Academy we qualify in special topics, e.g. standards and customer requirements, Production Process and Product Approval (PPAR, Sampling), Performance Test and Complaint Process (0 km).

Our competences are an entire package which is ready to be applied for our customers‘ maximum benefit. Benefit from our many years of experience in the area of supplier quality, process and project management and training!

Enthusiastic Customers

AGC Glass Europe SA

AKT altmärker Kunststoff-Technik GmbH

Beijing Benz Automotive Co Ltd China

Behr-Hella Thermocontrol GmbH

Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

Daimler AG